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Portfolio Investing: Climate, Not Weather

By | February 20th, 2015|Forbes Personal Finance|

It has been a very, very cold few months, particularly in New England. Boston is buried in snow. Niagara Falls has frozen over. Even the South is getting hit with ice. What does this have to do with retirement investing? Everything. The thing is, despite the extreme cold in some parts of the country, we're [...]

Are You A Renter Or A Buyer?

By | February 20th, 2015|Forbes Personal Finance|

You face a choice between renting or owning many of the essentials you use every day: your home, your car, even furniture and appliances. So is it better to rent or to own? It's a question of economics, but the economics come down to your lifestyle. Source: Forbes Finance

10 Blue Chip Stocks With Fat Dividends

By | February 20th, 2015|Forbes Personal Finance| creates a proprietary ''DividendRank'' by screening through our coverage universe of large cap, dividend paying stocks, to look at a variety of data ? dividend history & yield, book value, quarterly earnings ? and comparing it to the stock's trading data to come up with certain calculations about profitability and about the stock's valuation [...]